OT 537 4/5/17

I am very interested in the brain injuries and it is a diagnosis I hope to one day specialize in. I have worked a lot previous at both inpatient and outpatient setting treating various patients with brain injuries. One thing that stuck out to me that was common with all the brain injury patients I saw was that impulsivity was a common trend. In the past, I have had a lot of fun interacting with the brain injury patients because you never know what is coming next, but it really amazed me with how capable the brain was of changing. We had this one patient who when she was inpatient had vulgar outbursts in the gym but by the time she made it to our outpatient clinic, she was a much calmer and changed person. Her viewpoint had completely shifted and her attitude completely changed. I felt it was very rewarding to work with these patients because it was challenging given that each case presents with different symptoms and needs. I love how much brain injuries vary and keeps you on your toes because the brain is so complex yet capable of so much.


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