BP #6 - Profesional Development

In today's lecture in Foundations, we talked a lot about professional development. Professional development is planning for and seeking out a cumulative series of opportunities and experiences to ass to one’s knowledge, motivation, perspectives, skills, and capacity for job performance. It is building our path to our career and beyond. To be an OT, one must commit to life-long learning, which is a part of professional development. From this lecture, it made me ponder about plans I have for to grow with professional development and stay committed to being a life-long learner. Continuing ed is something that really excites me about entering into the practitioner field. As I worked as a tech, I remember hearing about all the continuing ed courses upcoming and hearing the therapists talk about them. They all seemed so interesting and enriching. I have set some goals for myself already for when I finally become a practitioner. To grow in professional development, I want to take the KinesioTape courses I, II, and III and become certified or a CKTP. Also I am very interested in LSVT training. To professionally develop, I want to stay up to date on the latest equipment, tools, and treatment methods that are available to better serve my clients. I look so forward to finding my niche and better developing that and even dip into other areas outside my specialty. I love how this field offers so much to learn, change is a good thing.


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