Journal Article Reflection

The article I chose looked at the effect of group-based OT on improving ADL performance and satisfaction in patients who had strokes. The studied included 14 participants who had a stroke and they were assigned to either the treatment or control group. The treatment group consisted of 6 group therapy sessions that focused on mobility exercises, crafts, and cooking, where as the control group received traditional OT interventions individually. The study concluded that doing daily activities, crafts, and mobility exercises in groups can affect the performance and satisfaction level in stroke patients.

After reading this article, it goes to show that performing ADLs in groups can not only improve performance in that ADL, but also help increase sense of satisfaction. I think doing ADLs in groups with people who are similar to you can be beneficial for support and provide more meaning than performing them individually. It is interesting to see that group-based OT can have similar impacts across various diagnoses since group therapy helps promote social participation and interaction. I look forward to incorporating group-based OT in my career.

            Mehdizadeh, M., Mehraban, A., & Zahediyannasab, R. (2017). The effect of group-based 

occupational therapy on performance and satisfaction of stroke survivors: Pilot trail, neuro-occupational 

view. Basic and Clinical Neuroscience, 8(1), 69-76. doi: 10.15412/J.BCN.03080109
