BP#7 - Fletcher Cleaves

The other day in Neuro OCP, we had the pleasure of having guest speaker Fletcher Cleaves come in and share his story about his injury. In 2008, Fletcher was in a car accident and as a result, left him with a C5 complete SCI. He talked about the accident but more so focused on his life since and how it has impacted him. I was amazed at how positive and motivated Fletcher was coping with his new way of life. He left us with a message of "the sky is NOT the limit." When in the hospital after his injury, doctors told him he wouldn't be able to live on his or achieve half of the things he has already done. He made a point to prove them wrong and used it as motivation.

Fletcher inspired me in many ways. One thing that really stuck out to me was when he told us how long it takes him to get ready in the morning. If he had to be somewhere at 9:00, he would have to wake up at 5:30 in order to be on time. Of course I understand it would take him longer, but never did I imagine that much length of time. It truly made me think of how it would be in his shoes. After hearing him speak and from what I've learned so far in OT school about SCI, it makes me lean more and more towards having a niche in SCI in my future as a practitioner. Fletcher gave us a good insight to his emotional and tough journey and by sharing his story he inspired many of us. One of the reasons I chose OT was because helping someone live their life again is so rewarding, but at the same time you are teaching, you are also being taught even by your clients. Fletcher thanks his therapists for pushing him to this day, but it is people like Fletcher that can teach you so much more about the true meaning of life.
