BP #5 - Clinical Reasoning

Today in class, we spoke a lot about clinical reasoning, what is it and how does one get it? Clinical reasoning is the thought process you use as a practitioner to evaluate clients and make clinical decisions. Clinical reasoning helps one carry out the whole OT process. It is not something that is learned or taught overnight, but rather is formed over time. You cannot just "study" how to become good at clinical reasoning, but our fieldwork experiences and what we learn in OT school can help shape our clinical reasoning. This particularly stuck with me because this is something that is best learned by experience, which I believe is the best kind of learning. From my past clinical experience as a tech in multiple settings, I feel as though I have already gained useful knowledge that has already started to shape my clinical reasoning. Experience is what makes you be more confident in clinical situations which is crucial to shaping our clinical reasoning.


  1. Great reflection on clinical reasoning! I would have to agree with you about experience being important. I am very grateful for the time I had working as a technician and I think that will shape my career as an OT student and then as an OT.


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