
Showing posts from March, 2018

Journal Article Reflection

The article I chose looked at the effect of group-based OT on improving ADL  performance  and satisfaction in patients who  had  strokes. The studied included 14 participants who had a stroke and they were  assigned to either the treatment or control group. The treatment group consisted of 6 group therapy sessions that focused on mobility exercises, crafts, and cooking, where as the control group received traditional OT interventions individually. The study concluded that doing daily activities, crafts, and mobility exercises in groups can affect the performance and satisfaction level in stroke patients. After reading this article, it goes to show that performing ADLs in groups can not only improve performance in that ADL, but also help increase sense of satisfaction. I think doing ADLs in groups with people who are similar to you can be beneficial for support and provide more meaning than performing them individually. It is interesting to see that group-based OT can have similar

12 Step Meeting Reflection

After attending a 12-step meeting, I  could really see the group process and the effectiveness of group therapy. I attended a NA meeting where the role of the facilitator seemed to be advisory because he was somewhat of a passive leader in that he let the group make pretty much all of the decisions and group members were of a higher functioning cognitive level. The facilitator encouraged participation by asking the group what they wanted to talk about today and opened the floor for anyone who wanted to share something. He would ask for a volunteer to read aloud certain handouts but other than that, the activities were decided by group members. Members were not forced to share but everyone ended up sharing on their own. I felt the environment had a positive impact on the session because it was held in a quiet church building which seemed welcoming and the windows were open so it didn't seem so claustrophobic. The environment was also familiar to group members so that probably he